Saturday, April 11, 2009

Wow, this health care documentary LIFE FOR SALE completely exceeded my expectations. President Barack Obama should really watch this movie. In fact, everyone in America should watch this movie. I could not sleep for days after I watched it, it was so alarming.

I totally believe that what was shown in the movie happened to my father and my mother when they were patients at the hospital called attention to in the film. Considering how much press this film has gotten, I am surprised that hospital is still in business.

Betty L

Friday, April 10, 2009

Finding a Doctor You Can Trust

"Evelyn, you are a beautiful person. I am in awe of your personal courage and your brilliant mind and creative talent.

I spoke just yesterday to a friend who desperately needs a cardiologist she can trust. Her cardiac situation has over the last 4 years many times been life threatening and she has great problems with her blood pressure medication dosages. She is a whistleblower and because of what she has been through, has trouble trusting anyone. She had several instances where she felt that the hospital staff did not take her concerns seriously and therefore she has not trusted a doctor adequately to obey their orders in regards to her medication. Such a situation as this is where trust and patience are the most important elements in the doctor-patient relationship. You have always demonstrated that in your very personal care of patients. Being a cardiologist means a long term relationship with sometimes a very sick patient. You excel at your bedside caring and compassion; that is one reason you are a good cardiologist. Being a good doctor is not just your medical knowledge. I know that getting an adequate medical history from a frightened and sick patient takes special skills.


Friday, April 3, 2009


"Dr. Evelyn Li, your integrity, righteousness, and boldness never fails."  ~ Jeannie Tse